Winter Is Coming

Here in Perth we have enjoyed spring, endured summer and we’re making the most of autumn before cold and rainy winter kicks in. Our homes and gardens have had some great weather and we’ve enjoyed our landscape and for most of us have probably entertained friends and family at home. Now it’s time to get ready for that time of year where we spend more time indoors than out. Having said that, it doesn’t mean that we should forget about our plants and trees to keep them happy too.

tree pruning by williams tree pro services

Image: Tree Pruning - Getting Ready for Winter

Here’s our tips for preparing for winter:

The Garden

There’s nothing worse than when spring hits and the garden just looks like too much work. Some of these tips will help reduce the workload and make it less overwhelming when spring comes around.

  • Mulch - laying mulch now on shrubs and in the garden will help naturally retain heat and moisture and suppress weeds from germinating.
  • Compost - for those that compost, the compost will continue to work into the soil which is like getting a head start for spring. For those thinking of composting, now is a great time to start.
  • Remove - Now is the time to remove weeds and any seasonal vegetables you may have. If you leave them over winter, you may find excess weeds or unwanted pests developing over winter.

The Back Yard

Our Aussie icon is our back yard. It just makes sense to look after it. Of course if you have trees in your front yard this will apply too.

  • Harvest - like vegetables, it’s time to remove any fruit from their trees to reduce any pests and potential plant diseases.
  • Mulch - mulching around trees and fertilizing will help the soil and promote for growth in spring.
  • Pruning - This time of year we are always busy with pruning with leaves falling everywhere. Not only does pruning reduce unnecessary build up of dead leaves, pruning will also help to reduce tree damage during winter conditions.
  • Remove - Dead and rotting branches cause lots of damage when they fall. We all probably know someone that has had their property whether it be a house or car damaged from a large falling branch. Unpruned  Palm trees and gumtrees are infamous for this.
  • Raking - We all want to hibernate indoors during winter but when the opportunity rises, it doesn’t hurt to rake up the dead wet leaves and dead grass. If you’re in a place with lots of debris, the buildup can attract unwanted pests and suffocate your lawn.

General Cleaning

Before winter kicks in, now is the best time to put away our tools and bits and pieces outside. There’s nothing worse than picking up your garden rake which is moist and falling apart or your rusting shovel. Put away your tools but also keep them clean to avoid any pests or bacterial growth.

This also applies to other outdoor items like your BBQ or spare bricks, tiles or other items which we store outside for later use.

At Williams Tree Pro we look after this type of thing every day. It may seem easy in theory but in practice to properly maintain your trees and plants it may be worth while to call in an expert. Our qualified arborists and highly trained staff are passionate about what we do. Feel free to contact us for a free quote for any of our perth tree services or jump on the phone to see if we can help.